ADDP works on behalf of developmental/intellectual disability and brain injury services providers. Support of ADDP has helped ensure disability issues are a priority in the Legislature. Through our advocacy, and the amazing work of our members, we have gained respect from members of both parties, both chambers of the legislature and by members of the executive branch.
Our history of protecting our sector is well known both in Massachusetts and nationally. During the Great Recession, while most states were cutting their programs to the bone, Massachusetts developmental disability programs were protected. Any threats to cut programs were defeated in the legislature or reversed by the executive branch. As a member of ADDP, you receive numerous benefits, including:
In recent years, ADDP has become a leading advocate at the state level. With the force of over 130 organizations behind us, ADDP works very hard to keep our members’ priorities in the minds of decision-makers. Our success in bringing our members’ agenda to the state government table has resulted in:
- New legislation
- Budget restorations
- Regulation changes
- Ongoing collaboration with key state agencies
ADDP is known for our communication skills. When you become a member, you receive:
- Communication and information via regular emails from the President & CEO and ADDP staff on critical and timely issues in both the state and federal governments
- Membership meetings to get information and share best practices
- Contact with decision-makers and access to legislative leadership
- Effective advocacy on your behalf, including regular meetings with the Department of Developmental Services (DDS), Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC), MassHealth and other administration officials
ADDP members are welcome to join any of our issue-centered committees, where volunteer groups work to:
- Share best practices
- Make policy recommendations
- Draft ADDP legislative strategies
- Coordinate professional development activities
Your membership entitles your organization’s staff to discounted rates for:
- Professional development workshops on important topics led by experts in the field
- Best practices forums on timely subjects
- ADDP’s Annual Conference & EXPO
If your organization is interested in becoming a member of ADDP, please see the provider membership packet for more information. Click on the button below to view a map of ADDP providers who are making a difference in over 350 towns across Massachusetts.
In addition to the map, our provider members are listed below. Also, be sure to check out our vendor/service partners participating in the ADDP Business Member Program, and the Employment Opportunities our members have.