Please join us for ADDP & DDS Present: Talking Tech 2019, Thursday, October 17, 2019 at the Newton Marriott as we celebrate the promise of technology for empowerment and social inclusion of individuals with disabilities. The event will feature experts in the field of technology—including remote monitoring, staffing solutions, assistive technologies, cybersecurity, and more. There will be exhibitors and vendors in attendance, continental breakfast and a served lunch provided.
Our Organization: The Association of Developmental Disabilities Providers (ADDP) is a trade association representing over 120 (I/DD) providers throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Our Mission: ADDP's mission is to promote and ensure strength of community-based providers so provider members can be successful in improving quality, access, and value of services in the community. ADDP is committed to enhancing political, financial, and educational health of member organizations that serve people with disabilities, including intellectual and developmental disabilities and acquired brain injuries.
Sponsors & Exhibitors:
Looking to SPONSOR or EXHIBIT at the conference? There are several opportunities to support this conference and get your company/agency's name out there!
$150.00 - Group of 10 ADDP Member ($150/person) (BEFORE 5 PM on September 16, 2019)
$160.00 - Individual ADDP Member ($160) (BEFORE 5 PM on September 16, 2019)
$175.00 - Non-ADDP Member ($175/person) (BEFORE 5 PM on September 16, 2019)
$175.00 - Group of 10 ADDP Member ($175/person) (AFTER 5 PM on September 16, 2019)
$185.00 - Individual ADDP Member ($185) (AFTER 5 PM on September 16, 2019)
$200.00 - Non-ADDP Member ($200/person) (AFTER 5 PM on September 16, 2019)
(note: this is still tentative)
8:15 AM–9:00 AM Registration
9:00 AM–9:10 AM Remarks from ADDP President/CEO, Ellen Attaliades as well as DDS
9:10 AM–9:45 AM Lead Keynote Speaker: John Martin
9:45 AM–10:15 AM Break/EXPO
10:15 AM–11:30 AM Morning Breakouts
11:30 AM–12:30 PM Lunch
12:30 PM–1:15 PM Guest Speaker: Delcie Bean
1:15 PM– 1:45 PM Break/EXPO
1:45 PM–3:00 PM Afternoon Breakouts
3:00 PM – 3:15 PM Raffle/Thanks
3:15 PM – 4:00 PM After Glow/Networking
4:00 PM Conclude
Assistive Technology #1: Day/Employment Apps and Other High-Tech Devices
Panelists: Mike Moloney (HMEA); Kelly Charlebois (TechACCESS); Jean Des Roches (Seven Hills)
Moderator: Adam Kosakowski (Oak Hill NEAT Center)
Description: The session will provide a review of cutting-edge software and electronic devices to enhance the lives of individuals with I/DD, especially in Day/Employment settings. It will also include a review of available resources for AT and ways of offsetting costs involved for both providers and individuals served.
Assistive Technology #2: Residential Apps, Tech & ADL Instruments
Panelists: Sal Garozzo (UCP Berkshire County); Kelly Charlebois (TechACCESS); Bruce Bird (Vinfen); Jennifer Petersen (DDS regional manager)
Moderator: Mark Piscione, (Seven Hills)
Description: The session, geared toward residential settings, will provide a review of readily available, but sometimes overlooked, assistive devices and instruments to aid in activities of daily living (ADLs), such as weighted spoons and grabbers. A review of resources available for obtaining these instruments will be provided. Presenters will also discuss avenues for obtaining them and their overall effectiveness.
Electronic Health Records (EHR): What Can they Do for You?
Panelists: Representatives from iCentrix; Foothold Technology; Remarkable Health; Therap Services LLC
Moderator: Kathy Wilson (BHN)
Description: The session will include a review of available high-quality electronic health records (EHR) solutions presented by experts in the area. Panelists will provide suggestions for offsetting costs needed to adopt and implement EHRs. Panelists will also highlight the do’s and don’ts of EHR implementation from a providers’ point-of-view. This session is a MUST for agencies that do not yet have an EHR.
Workforce: Is Remote Monitoring the Solution?
Speaker: John L. Martin (Former Director of Ohio DODD)
Description: The session will provide background on the workforce crisis. It will review national trends in remote monitoring, including which states are using it and how, and illustrate the journey to its use by using the Ohio Technology First State’s experience as a case study. Specific topics to be addressed include issues of privacy and ethics; promotion of independence; and reduction of behavioral incidents experienced by direct support professionals.
Operations/Quality Improvement: How Can Tech Improve Provider Efficiency and Effectiveness?
Panelists: Waypoint Interactive (Veronica St. Cyr); SteadyCare (Pattie Marrin); BHN’s VP of Quality Improvement (Dan Olshansky); RouteMatch (User, Tim O’Day)
Moderator: Emily Lauer (CDDER)
Description: The session will provide an overview of how software applications can improve provider efficiency and effectiveness while also enhancing quality of services for individuals served. Off-the-shelf and customized software options will be discussed for provider activities such as staff scheduling, transportation, and MAP (Medication Administration Program). The discussion will address implementation considerations, including usability and workflows by staff, interoperability (how electronic systems communicate with one another), and reporting. Opportunities for improving quality while simultaneously mitigating risk exposures through the use of software applications will also be discussed. Specific applications to be highlighted include Waypoint Interactive’s Navigating Life, SteadyCare, and RouteMatch.
Telehealth: Making Care More Accessible & Affordable
Speaker: Maulik Trivedi, StationMD
Moderator: Satya Montgomery (Riverside Community Care)
Description: The session will review available telehealth services, giving special consideration to what is reimbursable in Massachusetts. Case studies of providers using telehealth will also be showcased. Presenters will also highlight ways of offsetting costs for the technological start-up and ongoing maintenance.
*SMART Home on Wheels:
Description: The NEAT Center at Oak Hill’s S.H.O.W. will be stationed in the parking lot outside the Ballroom doors during the lunch hour for participants’ first-hand experience aboard the technologically smart and highly adaptable vehicle. Be prepared to be wow-ed!
John L. Martin served as the Director of the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) from 2007-2018. While there he led core initiatives, such as designing and implementing the Ohio Tech First State Executive Order, creating more opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities to live and work in their communities; developing the Positive Culture Initiative (PCI); supporting shared services and collaboration models among county boards; and consolidating all DD programs under DODD to reduce confusion for those who use these services.
Prior to coming to the Department, Martin was the Executive Director of a large diverse provider organization. He served on the Board of the Ohio Provider Resource Association for twenty years, with eighteen years as a member of the executive committee. Martin also served on the Board of the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services for six years, including holding leadership positions of President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Chair of the Research Committee. In the past, Martin was a live-in house parent in a group home, a direct care worker with medically involved children, a special education teacher, and the president of a software company. He is also the parent of three children, one of whom has significant disabilities.
Martin received a Bachelor's degree in Special Education from Illinois State University and a Master's degree in Community Psychology from Temple University.
Delcie Bean started the company that became Paragus when he was 13 years old. As Paragus has become one of the most successful, fastest-growing IT firms in the region, Delcie has increased his commitment to humanitarian causes and dedication to the community. In 2014, he created Tech Foundry, an educational nonprofit designed to address the need for a skilled IT workforce in the region by providing in-depth training for underrepresented communities. He also believes in giving back to his employees. Paragus has a unique Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) structure that puts ownership of 40% of the company in the hands of its 50-plus employees.
Delcie’s presentation will blend a macro look at technology in general and where it is headed, especially when it comes to business, with a pragmatic micro lens that would offer specific suggestions and tips for executives and employees in the audience. He will discuss some of the coming innovations that are likely going to impact ADDP members’ businesses, but also look at tech that impacts the individuals they serve.
Delcie served on the Governor's Economic Development Council and currently serves as a Trustee of Bay Path University. He has received numerous awards for his work, including the 2019 Human Relations Award by the National Conference for Community and Justice and Entrepreneur of the Year in 2014.
Hotel Room Information
A limited number of rooms have been reserved for this event at a rate of $209 per night, which ends 9/30/2019. Reservations for the event will be made by individual attendees diretly with Marriott reservations at 1 (800) 228-9290 or 1 (617) 969-1000. Please refer to the ADDP Technology Room Block when requesting a room.