ACA - Common Challenges & Solutions for Social Services Providers

Monday, December 19, 2016 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
1671 Worcester Road, Rooms 104 & 106 (basement level)
Framingham, MA 01701

On December 19th, ADDP Gold Level Business Member, Brown & Brown of MA will offer ADDP members a free presentation that will focus on the unique impact healthcare reform has had on social services providers and take a deeper dive into the specific challenges they are faced with as a result of the Affordable Care Act employer mandates.

Brown & Brown supports a large number of non-profit, human services organizations in Massachusetts with their employee benefit programs, a number of which are current ADDP members. As a result we have gained extensive experience in assisting these organizations with efforts to implement processes to ensure their health & welfare programs maintain compliance with the evolving legislation at all times. The education provided by the seminar will allow participants to better understand key aspects of the ACA mandates that have proven to be the biggest stumbling blocks for employers in this industry, and in turn provide a blueprint for developing strategies that will more efficiently manage the increased administrative workload.

Why attend?

The knowledge and skills gained from this presentation will not only allow for gaps in ACA compliance to be better identified & mitigated, but will also prepare you for the future of healthcare reform with a glimpse into anticipated changes brought on by the recent election results. SHRM recertification credits will also be available to attendees. 

Learning Goals and Objectives for Attendees:

  • After attending this seminar, participants will be able to effectively identify & track individuals considered to be a "Full Time Employee" (FTE) under the Affordable Care Act to ensure coverage is offered when required. This is especially important for organizations with variable hour employees (relief or per diem), frequent status changes (full-time to part-time) or high rates of turnover.
  • Comprehensive understanding of 1094/1095c reporting including filing for extensions, coding changes for 2016, viable software solutions and the removal of transitional & non-calendar year relief that previously provided shelter from the “B” penalty (minimum value & affordability).
  • An in-depth review of establishing & maintaining ACA affordable coverage. We will discuss the available safe harbors (W-2, Rate of Pay & Federal Poverty Line) and how to determine which ones are a fit for your organization. The training will also go over different philosophies on contribution strategies that are economically sustainable.
  • A look to the future of healthcare reform and the impact that a repeal of ACA would have on Massachusetts employers. Items that will be discussed will include potential reinstatement of the Fair Share Contribution Rules & HIRD form, possible changes to the MA Earned Sick Leave policy and whether paid family & disability leave will still be pursued (legislation approved by MA Senate but not voted on by the House this year). 

Intended Audience: Executive/Administrative, senior managers

Registration starts at 9:30 am 


  • FREE for ADDP Members
  • $50 for non-members

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