Committees, Meetings, Briefings

Working on behalf of the developmental/intellectual disability and brain injury services providers that ADDP represents, we make certain all of the state’s leaders understand the impact of state policy upon our sector.

ADDP Committees & Workgroups

ADDP holds weekly membership meetings via videoconferencing that are hosted by ADDP President & CEO, Ellen Attaliades, who reviews the latest updates from state agencies (e.g., DDS, MassHealth,... more
The ADDP AFC Advisory Group consists of a group of provider representatives who have interests in advocacy including, but not limited to issues such as rate setting, the development of quality... more
The Committee discusses the most recent regulatory, budgetary and operational developments for both acquired brain injury (ABI) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) services. Members also have an... more
The Committee discusses policy, budgetary, and regulatory information on DDS Supported Employment (SE) and Community-Based Day Services (CBDS), MassHealth Day Habilitation, MRC Employment, and... more
ADDP’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB) Vision and Mission Statement more
ADDP's Legislative Briefing occurs on the SECOND Tuesday of every month at 3:00 PM. Call participants consist of a group of provider representatives who have a focused interest in legislative... more
This briefing call was established as a result of the development of an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) framework for the Commonwealth's MassHealth (Medicaid) program. This call will additionally... more
The ADDP Residential Committee meets regularly for a group-directed discussion of issues that affect the operation of residential supports, including Shared Living and Transportation. The members are... more

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